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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Perú 275, C1067AAE
Tel: (011) 4331.0707 Fax: (011) 4331.5917

Water Probes
Modelo: Amphibian2
imagen producto

Eureka Water Probes, Amphibian2, the ultimate compact rugged handheld
for water quality monitoring.

»Easy-to-use Manta2 Control Software
»Microsoft· Windows Embedded Handheld 6.53
»Speedy 1.0GHz processor
»Microsoft Office Mobile 2010
»Loads of memory- 512MB RAM & 8GB flash storage

lllumview,.High-VIsibility Display
»Extra-large display for easy viewing
»Unparalleled brightness overpowers glaring sunlight
»Extremely scratch-resistant
»Capacitive touchscreen provides needle-sharp image and durability
»Hold-to-zoom,. gives you absolute precision

It's Got ItAll!
»GPS capabilities
»Bluetooth? ,WiFi ? ,cell modem, serial, & USB connectivity
»SMP camera+ video capture

Powerful Overtime Technology,. Battery
»Powers all Manta2 configurations -without auxiliary battery (with any underwater cable length)
»Intelligent Li-lon battery- 10600mAh 3.N
»Outstanding battery life runs long into overtime (12V Output) on COM1
»Operates inextreme temperatures from -2F to 140°F (-30°to 60 °C)

Marca: Eureka
+54 9 11 6713-8305